Elevator Artist Resource

I was sitting down with Pat last night.  It was a few minutes before we left to join the Elevator Artist Resource launch event at Gravely Brewery.  I was lamenting over launching our e-commerce site and wanting to reach a broader audience. Ever so gently, as he often does, he nudged me and said “Why don’t you blog more?”  I thought a little bit about his comment and then we left for the event.

I had remarked, early on, at the event to a friend of ours that I am so incredibly awkward at these types of things.  I never really know what to say. I am not a networker. For me it feels phony and I am not good at it. But I do like to connect with people. So using my go to survival instinct I reached out my hand and introduce myself to people I had never met before and ask about their art of choice. And it worked!  

I had a blast and can’t remember the last time I was in a room with mostly strangers and actually felt completely connected.  It was a terrific event and was packed with a snappy representation of local artists from around the city and our neighbors across the river. Two hours sailed by and during that time I ran into some friends, talked with artists I had never met before, creating in fields that ranged from music to acting to photography, sculpting, painting, writing, dancing and was filled to the brim with talent.

It was nothing short of amazing being in the middle of all the coolness and when I sat down at my computer today I thought about Pat and his blogging comment and decided to share a little bit about the event and put a plug out there for Elevator and their mission of being a “centralized support of individual artists & creative professionals.”  If you’d like to know more about Elevator then reach out here http://elevatorarts.org/about/
